Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thank Goodness for a loaded freezer!

There is nothing worse than being sick and still needing meals prepped.  This week I have been ill, and was so thankful for my constant inventory.

So far this week:

- I have been able to enjoy leftover soup from the freezer.
- Paul has been able to work his way through: leftover pasta from the weekend; beans and rice from the freezer; and chicken pre-prepped from the freezer

This has allowed me a break from cooking, not having to expose Paul to my germs, and not having to eat out when I am not feeling well.  When you are ill, you still have to eat and having a back-up this week has been a life-saver!

Do you have back-up in your freezer?  This is a good week to get there if you don't!

I'll be back with new meals at the end of the week!

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