Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What was I Thnking?

The idea truly came like a light bulb over head in the middle of a conversation. I was enjoying some final time with Amy, and she mentioned the upcoming challenge of good food ideas while moving to Lubbuck, Texas. At first I blurted out, "I will send you recipes as I prepare them for Paul (my husband)" Then the light bulb burst: "I am going to create a blog and send out the weekly meals I prep, pics, and ideas to share what I do and just how easy it is."

After she cheered wildly, ok maybe a little exaggeration, she said, "I can't wait to eat healthy." Now, granted, she already eats healthy, but the point is that she was fearing getting in a rut. The idea of seeing someone else's weekly meals open the door to new ideas.

My conversation with her is not a new one. It just came at the perfect time, Dec. 31st. I was in need of a resolution and sharing healthy meals for the year seemed like a great one.

I am like so many others: up before 5; get a workout in; work a full day; get another workout in if I am lucky...and somewhere in the mix: go to the grocery; do yet another load of laundry (how much workout clothing can one man actually wear); oh yeah, and in the end prepare healthy meals. It is in this mix that I have a passion. On most weeks, I love creating these healthy meals, and sharing the fruits of my labor.

So here I am...over the next 52 weeks I am going to share the meals I prepare; how I prepared them (think recipes); and pics of the end result (the pics should improve with practice).

Although, I could do this alone I thought it would be more fun to include your creations, too. With this comes an on-going monthly contest. Submit your creations; readers will vote; and winners will receive gift certificates to Whole Foods or a local grocery store!

Let the fun begin!

Highlights from Week 1 will come tomorrow!


  1. I did cheer wildly and still am. It's 30 degrees outside and I am ready to cook some yummy stuff. Thanks Meredith!!

  2. Sounds great! How can we submit ideas?

  3. Thanks for the idea, Amy...so I say in week 1.

    Gordon - for now email your entries to me and I will post them. I am sure there is a more efficient way, but it will take me a bit to figure it out.

    Submit entries to: meredithbn@yahoo.com

  4. I'm so excited!!! Any chance you could include instructions for those who don't really know how to cook. :)
